Girlfriend type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Girlfriend? Girlfriend est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 9w8 - sx/so - 927 dans Enneagram, SCUAN dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

Fe dom- want harmony among dad and bf, only way for dad to accept bf is by rapping, so shes your #1 cheerleader, very supportive Ni- her faith in bf is crazy. bops in every beat, no worries even when bf is rapping against flesh eating fruit demon or a nihilistic sprite demon cus she know bf will win Se- moves gracefully and with ease, very in tuned into present moment or the "beat" lmao. has no distrust in the environment(Ni) Inf Ti- is literally "this is fine, yay go BF" in every week. yeA eFF LOGIC. bruh she be bopping her head in boombox limo in freeway running in 120 km/hr. being very aware santa taken in ho-ho-hostage by her parents is an okay thing for her. bf rapping against lemon demon and the christmas tree is decorated with intestines and drench with blood is not a problem. she cant be swayed she is an unstoppable force... oF LoVe (pfft this is so funny to me, i just like playing the game and shes my fav :>// she might be ESFJ i dunno)


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