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  2. Historique
  3. Historical Figures (1600s)

Zhu Youjian (Emperor Sizong of Ming) type de personnalité MBTI

Zhu Youjian (Emperor Sizong of Ming) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Zhu Youjian (Emperor Sizong of Ming)? Zhu Youjian (Emperor Sizong of Ming) est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 613 dans Enneagram, RLOEN dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."


The Chongzhen Emperor (Chinese: 崇禎; 27 January 1611 – 25 April 1644), personal name Zhu Youjian (Chinese: 朱由檢; 朱由检), was the 17th and last Emperor of the Ming dynasty as well as the last ethnic Han to rule over China before the Manchu Qing conquest. He reigned from 1627 to 1644. "Chongzhen," the era name of his reign, means "honorable and auspicious." Zhu Youjian was son of the Taichang Emperor and younger brother of the Tianqi Emperor, whom he succeeded to the throne in 1627. He battled peasant rebellions and was not able to defend the northern frontier against the Manchu. When rebels reached the capital Beijing in 1644, he committed suicide, ending the Ming dynasty. The Manchu formed the succeeding Qing dynasty.

Historique célébrité similaire à Zhu Youjian (Emperor Sizong of Ming)
