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Averie Monty type de personnalité MBTI

Averie Monty type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Averie Monty? Averie Monty est un type de personnalité ENFP dans MBTI, 7w8 - - 784 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Age- 13 Fear- Being limited Desire- Justice, A better world, Creative thinking Hobbies- Music, Reading, Writing, Dancing, Engineering Personal Quirks- Instead of saying bye she says nye, taps her index finger constantly when she gets nervous Hates- Limited thinking, Peanut Butter, People who say they don't like Percy Jackson and Leo Valdez Loves- Chocolate, Watercolors, punk rock, theater, singing, Mythology, anything weird and quirky Favorite color- Purple (obviously) Future Job- It changes constantly but mainly a writer, astronomer, engineer, high school teacher, actress, blogger (so technically everything)

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