1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. The Guilty (2021)

Joe Baylor type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Joe Baylor? Joe Baylor est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 152 dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Spoilers Here's my take on why I think ISTP works and not INTJ. It's clear that this guy is not dominant Ni. He doesn't wait to have all of the information and facts ready at hand before he makes a conclusion. Instead he analyzes the concrete and present information in front of him and then makes a deduction on that instead. Examples of this are when he jumps to the conclusion that - the baby is dead - the mother is being abducted - the father killed the baby And he jumps to this conclusion based off of the fact that he had looked at the father's records, heard the alertness of the mother's voice calling 911, and the fact that the police were alarmed that there was blood everywhere. Now, maybe an INTJ would jump quickly to these conclusions as well but I disagree. INTJ's have inferior Se, which means they are less likely to take these huge jumps and risks that could potentially put their vision of what they want to happen in danger. This guy is the complete opposite of being careful, and reckless is his middle name. - When he could risk getting into trouble continuing helping the woman, he decides to ignore orders - Calls the father and threatens him at the risk of putting the mother in more danger - Tells his partner to kick open the door even though they don't have a warrant. Se over Ni. Also, I believe the inferior Fe breaks are more apparent than Ni-Fi looping. Whenever he's stressed he lashes out at people, becomes extremely blunt, becomes vulnerable and open about his emotions, sometimes doesn't realize that he may have said the wrong thing and then tends to not care about hurting other people's opinions. Now, an INTJ can do this as well, since their Fe is pretty bad too, but the difference is that they really don't care about social norms or trying to get in with the group. They just care about values and their own emotions a lot more. While Joe's Fe is inferior, it's apparent that he tries to use it even if it's terrible. - Tries to ask about how his ex wife's day was going and her art interview to try and be nice with her, only to sabotage this when he tries to subtly convince her to be at his court day which she picks up on and realizes he isn't being genuine. - When he talks on the phone to the mother and she's about to kill herself, he becomes completely vulnerable in that moment in order to try and make her understand the repercussions of her actions. - Manipulates the guy working next to him and becomes nice all of a sudden just to get information out of him and basically leave him to do work. And yes, Ti can be bossy as well. While everyone else is trying to figure out the most efficient way of doing things, this guy on the other hand tries to be efficient but only through his own subjective logic - Wants to know why and how the woman robbed the guy at the beginning of the movie even though it doesn't matter - Wants to go over the logistical details of how they were going to catch the guy, even though it wasn't the most efficient thing to do at the time - Often becomes frustrated with people who can't get behind why something needs to be done because for him it doesn't make sense why certain actions he wants to take won't be taken by anyone else. I'm open to Te arguments, but inferior Se arguments don't make sense to me. Also, wouldn't his bossy demeanor just come from Socionics as well? LSE is just one vote, but it kinda makes sense considering how he only cares about the information being given to him. It's clear he values Socionics Te and maybe Se socionics, but I think is thought process could lean more on the Ti side due to how much he values trying to do what is logical to him in the moment.


Caractéristiques et traits communs
