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Sydney Adamu type de personnalité MBTI

Sydney Adamu type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Sydney Adamu? Sydney Adamu est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - sp/so - 416 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

I think she is an INTJ. I think her NiTe is all over her approach to the restaurant - she sees all the ways in which it is failing, and has a deep need to improve it. The whole book about how everything could improve was very Te >>, but I don’t think Te is her main approach to life. Even though she is far too educated and skilled and could go better places, she is more interested in working at a restaurant that she sees purpose in and that she can improve and make a huge difference. I don’t see this as Fi, but rather NiTe at work. Contrast with Carmy’s SiNe which is more about changes on a smaller scale, Sydney is always looking ten steps ahead, seeing a version of the restaurant that does not exist but could, if only the right steps were taken. She grows increasingly frustrated when others don’t see her vision, too. I just don’t think this is very SFP-like. I also don’t think her Fi > Te because although she is slightly more reluctant than a Te dom would be to take the lead, she is actually insanely good at it. My only reluctance with typing her INTJ is that I’m not too confident about her being Se inferior, but I just can’t see Ni, Te or Fi being inferior in Sydney.

