Kim Ok-bin type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Kim Ok-bin? Kim Ok-bin est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, 7w8 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Kim Ok-vin (Korean: 김옥빈; born 3 January 1987), also known as Kim Ok-bin, is a South Korean actress. Kim made her debut in an online beauty contest in 2004, and began her acting career with a role in the 2005 film Voice. Subsequent appearances include the television drama series Over the Rainbow and films such as Dasepo Naughty Girls and The Accidental Gangster and the Mistaken Courtesan. Kim has received several award nominations, and won Best Actress at the 2009 Sitges Film Festival for her role in Thirst.

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