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Elaine Bredehoft type de personnalité MBTI

Elaine Bredehoft type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Elaine Bredehoft? Elaine Bredehoft est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - sp/so - 358 dans Enneagram, SCOAN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

So, a common trope with the ESTJs is that regardless of facts and morals and mainstream sources, they will be die-hard for something they believe they can benefit from personally. This is their Te dom to Fi inferior grip. I get how people think that Elaine is being a bad lawyer, delusional, and embarrassing herself doing interviews for Amber at this point. Which in the mainstream public eye, sure. But career-wise as a lawyer who is not allowed to speak out about it even if her client is guilty, she is actually going ride-and-die with the principles of a professional lawyer, which may benefit her career-wise even despite the public humiliation. I think a lot of people don’t realise she may be fully aware of Amber being guilty or even dislike her (as she has been seen crying and in cold air around her) but every time she goes to extreme lengths defending Amber, she is enriching any liability with future clients AND doing damage control by forcefully portraying she believes her client regardless of any outcome. Very, very Fi grip, and people can argue whatever but I think she is fully aware of what is going on and for her, this probably being her best personal move with her style of lawyering. SINCE it indicates a grip, it also directly reveals that Elaine is under immense pressure otherwise that wouldn’t have been the case.


Ms. Bredehoft has been consistently recognized in publications as one of the Top Lawyers in Virginia, Washington, D.C. & Baltimore, frequently ranked as one of the top ten lawyers, as selected by her peers, in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. She is currently best known as Amber Heard's lawyer in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial.

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