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Sonic.exe type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Sonic.exe? Sonic.exe est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

WHY IS SONIC.EXE ENTJ AND NOT ESTP: (the old one + some info abt new update) Intuition (N) - Sonic.exe did not consider details, such as the player's speed or his speed itself, knowing that everything was in place and he could calmly complete his task. He also, during the battle with Knuckles, did not consider such details as a way out, simply covering it with Glitch. Sonic.exe, in principle, thought through everything, and he simply could not notice some shortcomings or still not think through them, so this topic is closed a little. I can also add that he didn’t even want to 💀 animals at all, most likely it was a bloody “decoration” to intimidate the victim, because as we know, Tails is a rather young character and he can easily be intimidated by such things. Perhaps Sonic.exe intimidated Tails so that Tails, in a panic, would do something wrong that could help him 💀 him. (Yes, my theories and facts are a bit weird, but this is my first analysis, so don’t judge strictly. I understand that this may seem like complete nonsense, but I’m judging by the canonical game.) Planning (J) - Sonic.exe, using logic (T), planned the actions of the player, such as the fact that Tails will 100% run in a straight line into Angel hills, since he has nowhere else to go, and Knuckles will try to beat Sonic.exe with his gloves. Sonic.exe also thought about what he would do to get around Knuckles' attacks. Like teleportation like with Tails, or creating translucent clones like with Knuckles. By the way, Sonic.exe knew there was a player, so he wrote the phrase “Do you want to play with me?” specifically for us and not for Tails in the gameplay. And also for being kicked out for the map, he wrote the YouTube account or the name of the player himself, which also suggests that he knew his presence. A little about the new version (additions): I also want to talk a little about the recent update of Sonic.exe, his laugh now sounds like a mixture of a demonic voice and Sonic’s voice, which, by the way, is a very good decision, because this can also lead victims to the wrong path. Screen will already be on fire, and “Time over” will suddenly appear on the screen, then Sonic.exe will appear looking straight at the screen and saying “Here I come”, which also means that he knows that there is a player here. At the end of the game, Sonic.exe will appear on the screen, looking somewhere below, after which on the screen he will begin to write “I AM GOD” in 🩸, after which he sharply screams with a voice of classic Sonic, (most likely the already tormented soul of Sonic) attacking the screen, scaring the player as he intended to do. An interesting detail is that when closing the game, the inscription “I AM GOD” will remain on the screen, and it can only be removed by restarting the computer, this is an interesting detail because it also shows that Sonic.exe also treats the player as a victim, and not as a person who watches everything that happens. (if you look at the old version). (a small disclosure of plot): New version - Sonic.exe carries out his actions according to HIS plan and functions, leading the player into another trap as a victim, turning the player from an observer into a victim, giving him threatening messages, etc., making him “one of the participants his plan.", after all, if you think like that, it’s us who 💀 Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, so Sonic still intimidates the player (us), so to speak, also for betrayal, and laughter, perhaps turning to us as laughter that we made a MISTAKE by directing the characters to certain 💀, because Sonic.exe will pay us the same. This would reveal the plot, that is, we (the player) are like the main villain, or one might even say a traitor, because it’s not for nothing that Tails in the new version looks at the screen and shows us with symbols to run, clearly trusting us, but in the end we ourselves rush, knowing that Sonic.exe will catch up with us, leading all characters to 💀. Sonic.exe, like the demon himself, sends us messages without mercy, hinting that we have been making a FATAL ERROR all this time, after which he begins to intimidate the player in various ways, turning him from an observer into an assistant and then into a victim.



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