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Fatin Jadmani type de personnalité MBTI

Fatin Jadmani type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Fatin Jadmani? Fatin Jadmani est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 738 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Personally I think she's an ESTP. She's not the stereotypical nerdy Ti user, but she deals with most things logically, not emotionally, however unconventional her logic may be. She seems too detached from her own feelings to be an ESFP (although to be fair, she has incredibly strong Se and it's hard to see anything else). Being overly selfish doesn't necessarily mean Fi, in this case it's underdeveloped Fe, unhealthy dominant Se, and unhealthy 1F in the Attitudinal Psyche (asserting physical needs and desires with little regard for others). Fi users tend to have good understanding of others' emotions and some level of respect for emotional sensitivity (unless they're looping), but Fatin seems to struggle with both of these things. She deals with others' emotional problems logically (making conclusions about Leah's book, "Are you an Aries?"), not through her own internal emotional window. I don't think she's looping Se-Te because I don't see much Te in her (as opposed to someone like Rachel or Toni). Anyway this is just my opinion. I'm not trying to offend anyone.


Fatin Jadmani is one of the main characters in The Wilds. She is portrayed by #SophiaAli. She is a proudly promiscuous girl with an audacious fashion sense. When she doesn’t pull her weight on the island, the others mistake her for a good-for-nothing slacker. But if they knew her past, they’d realize nothing could be further from the truth.

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