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  2. Films
  3. Dune (Franchise)

Paul Atreides type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Paul Atreides? Paul Atreides est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 613 dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, ILI dans Socionics."

I personally feel uneasy about characters changing types during adaptation, but it does tend to happen sometimes. I went into the movie with the assumption of INFJ, but after having watched it, I struggle to see many Fe-Ti traits. Here are some INTJ signs: ——————————————————————— Aux Te: • He snaps at Jessica with the Voice, essentially raising his voice at her, which Te is way more likely to do than Fe. • Although uncertain with the Voice, his struggling with it looks more like a Se issue of being convincing, rather than him hesitating to order others around (an Aux Fe would hesitate with that, I think). In fact, when they’re captured, and Paul tries to use the Voice, Jessica tells him his tone is too forceful (Fe vs Te). • He openly disrespects and challenges the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother when she uses the Voice on him (VERY indicative of Te-Fi, as it always reacts strongly when being forced to do something, because Te basically exists to protect one’s autonomy). The look of pride and contempt he gives her while enduring the pain is also SO SO INTJ! • He tells Jessica he has seen that she’s pregnant (before she herself knows that), and even though it’s obvious that she becomes distressed, he doesn’t try to comfort her in any way. • Once he knows how to survive in the desert, telling Jessica what to do comes very naturally to him. • He represses his empathy enough to kill Jamis without much hesitation, despite Jessica saying he had never killed anyone just seconds before. • He instantly starts to command the fremen once he wins the Tahaddi challenge. • And, small detail that it is, the way Paul carries himself in the movie is quite rigid and stern, as an IxTJ would. There is no warmth or grace to him, unlike even the most Ti-centric INFJs. —————————————————————— I couldn’t see that much Fi to note, or at least to distinguish from Fe. Nevertheless: Tert Fi: • His obsession-like attachment to Chani seems quite immature, which does indicate Fi tertiary. • He doesn’t seem to appreciate his mother in a mature way, and openly blames her for his dark fate (which IS justified, but not a very Fe thing to do). • He seems to feel more stuck with his mother, rather than united with her in their troubles. I can’t see an INFJ being that way. • When seeing the war in his name in a vision, and realizing he has no power to stop it, his reaction indicates that he’s first and foremost concerned with his own free will being taken away (Fi), and not with the actual people who die in the war. This is classic immature-Fi egocentrism. —————————————————————— If he is, in fact, an INTJ, then he’s not a very mature one. Which is fitting, considering he is intended to represent the harsh flawed reality of a messiah figure.


