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Obake type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Obake? Obake est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, RLUAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


The Obake is one of 21 types of ghosts in Phasmophobia. Though told by the journal as a shapeshifter, their primary power is their inconspicuous nature: the Obake will rarely leave trace of its doings in rooms that it lingers in. When interacting with a door or window, the Obake has a small chance of creating unique handprints that have 6 fingers instead of the usual 5. The Obake occasionally triggers an ability to reduce the remaining time for all existing, lingering fingerprints on the map by half. For example, two fingerprints lingering on the map with 40 seconds and 70 seconds before timing out and disappearing are cut in half to 20 and 35 seconds remaining respectively. This ability can be triggered multiple times on the same fingerprints, making it possible for a fingerprint to disappear mere seconds after appearing.

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