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Grand Admiral Thrawn type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Grand Admiral Thrawn? Grand Admiral Thrawn est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - so/sx - 513 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LII dans Socionics."

One vote I can clearly agree with. There is a clear difference between him and someone like your common 'INTJ because he is a villain' vote type. If one wants to imagine a clear INTJ villain this is the way. Thanks to his wonderful example one may see that most other 'INTJ bad guy' types (evil guys who act like will forcing tanks) are clearly simply ENTJs. If one wants to study differences between both types his example is literally the best.. From now on every time there is a power hungry 'INTJ' typed individual - Just let people know that they misjudged an ENTJ. Thrawn's cognitive function order is Ni, Te, Fi, Se clearly. | Main cognitive function combinations: 1. Se-Te. Thrawn always focuses on deep and detailed studying first. Through direct Se focus, analyzing/learning using his nicely developed Te. Se here is an area of focus and it's actually smaller (thus Se inferior may use it as well). The main star of this combo is always Te, studying and learning being the main focus / purpose. 2. Te-Ni. It is by far most gifted function. Responsible for his most brilliant moments. Yet for it to be used it has to posses Te data first. Real and deeply learned knowledge. This is why Se-Te studying is always the most important step. 3. Ni-Fi. Thrawn has a visible sensitivity. While studying his enemies / new challenges he ends up developing a real interest. A bit like an obsession. Objects have deep meaning to him and his nature is very sentimental (to things he studied). We can see that his feeling function is most likely not inferior, it is quite developed actually. Lastly his inferior function is clearly Se. He has it for sure and sometimes enjoys playing with it, focusing on physical matters. Yet him it's nothing more but a resource.


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