Riya Sharma type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Riya Sharma? Riya Sharma est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 368 dans Enneagram, SLOEN dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

Are y’all voting INTJ because of her whole arc thing, honestly please just vote using functions and not stereotypes. Literally nobody’s explained why she’s an INTJ and yet the votes for it keep rolling in…suspicious…


Riya is a Bollywood actress who moved to the United States two years ago to continue her career, however after trying many times she has only had a couple of extra roles, Riya is running out of money and Disventure Camp is her last chance to be famous outside her country.

Les dessins animés caractères similaires à Riya Sharma
