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  2. Films
  3. Anna (2019)

Anna Poliatova type de personnalité MBTI

Anna Poliatova type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Anna Poliatova? Anna Poliatova est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 583 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

Pretty complex. INTJ was one of my possibilities while trying to type her but I don't think she has inferior Se. She's extremely quick on her feet and can easily use what's available around her to her advantage. She thinks fast in the moment and can make decisions on a whim, very sharp ones. Though I know she has strong Ni, and I could see Te as well – that could be her being direct, cold and efficient but she is also very action-oriented. I think inferior Fe would make sense, seeing as she does reject codependency, puts relationships at a distance and only appears in the social world when it benefits her work (which she only does to achieve freedom). Ti finds how things works to support self-sufficiency, which she does very well. As of now, I'll vote ISTP, but could anyone give some good arguments on INTJ vs ISTP?


Anna is a young beautiful girl who managed to make a career in the fashion world. Under the guise of a fragile beauty, is hiding the world's most dangerous assassin, who has not yet misfired. #SashaLuss
