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Shi-Long Lang type de personnalité MBTI

Shi-Long Lang type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Shi-Long Lang? Shi-Long Lang est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 836 dans Enneagram, SLOAI dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Since my account was deleted and my comment's gone I'll explain his character once more He was voted ESTP before ENFJ; since, his Se is quite obvious. Man literally catched a whip mid-air. A fucking madlad. However Lang values Fe over anything else. He deeply cares about people around him. He remembers his people's who are working under him, relative's birthdays. And this tells quite a lot. He knows how to strike to people's feelings and sweet talk his way out of situations and calm people down. [SPOILERS FOR AAI2] After his crew's deassembleance, stroke him so hard, more than anything else. He enjoys company a lot, even though he doesn't show that much, he values working with people. About his Ti. He doesn't really value Ti. Even though [SPOILERS again] corrupted prosecutors and officers ruined his family's life, he doesn't keep this ahead of his emotions. I don't really see Ti over Fe at this point. He doesn't really move with internal logic, hold the internal with logic at all. He likes to keep his options and opinions open about people, even if it's hard for him. His philosophical approach, putting something on his head and pursuing it for SO LONG and trying different approaches in that path (Alba's case for instance) is a great sign of his aux Ni. About his enneagram, 8. He's quite bold that's for sure. But that's not the main reason for him to be 8. The Wolf says: one must be strong in order to live. That would be the most 8ish motive. He hates appearing weak, and hates to be pitied on, as it was seen on [Spoilers again] AAI2-2 after the first encounter. Even though his crew is gone, and he's alone, he's trying hard to appear as independent and strong. This could be because either he's 3 or 8. However he values power above else. And doesn't really have a struggle with shame or desire of being successful.


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