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Katherine Fauvre type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Katherine Fauvre? Katherine Fauvre est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 874 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

People from all over the planet love tritype. I have known her for years. I attend the conferences and watch her videos. I have been in courses with her. Not only is she healthy, she is a hell of a lot of fun! She is what she is; that girl has no pretense. Some said 2, 6, social, introvert? Really? They haven't met Katherine. If you can't see she is a sx 874, you probably don't know what a sx 874 actually is. She is a human encyclopedia that can read you faster than you can blink. She remembers details from thousands and thousands of interviews. Trust me, she can see what others don't. She has been studying systems since the 70s. She has a broader view of the types because she studied with all the notables. I think the negative comments are from the fearful types. I thought I was an 8. But I was never self-possessed and nonchalant like the 8 is naturally. I am glad I discovered that I am a cp6. Trying to over-explain why I was an 8 was exhausting.


Katherine Chernick Fauvre is the originator of the Enneagram Tritype theory and Instinctual Stackings. She is the founder of Katherine Fauvre Consulting and Enneastyle, and is the co-founder of Enneagram Explorations. She is a personality expert and an internationally recognized author, teacher, trainer, coach and researcher. Katherine’s innovative and groundbreaking work has made her a thought leader in the Enneagram field.

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