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Ghost Type type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ghost Type? Ghost Type est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - dans Enneagram, RLUEI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

honestly this one is a bit difficult to parse because of how much Ghost types have changed over the years! i’d like to take a look at that change more closely if we go off the first and second gen of Ghost types, they are all focused on pranks or getting a reaction out of people. it is a key factor in descriptions and anime depictions during the initial generations Ghost pokemon. these behaviors are often stereotyped as being synonymous with ENTP. this is due to dom Ne (possibilities) + aux Ti (analysis) + tert Fe (social learning). however, with Ghost types of the third and fourth generations we do start to see descriptions focused more on mystery, vengeance, and consequences. though Ghost types are still often portrayed as pranksters, there is revenge as motivation for their actions instead of entertainment! most Ghost types in these series involve scaring specifically “bad” people or otherwise being part of a spooky legend—stealing children, being made of a million souls, abandoned toys turned evil, etc. etc. the stereotypes that we start to see are ones that more commonly arise with Ni doms who might doggedly follow a vision or goal that others don’t understand. we also see more empathetic attachment (Fi) where the Ghosts are not only drawn to hurt those who have hurt them or their friends but also start to feed off the emotional energy around them. not just the fright or the joy, but the jealousy and the melancholy. from here on out, with released Ghosts, we get even more mysterious but just as much if not more emotionally focused. whether it’s dead child spirits, crying about a lost identity, or just generally framing Ghosts as sad and misunderstood, this type certainly moves in the direction of tragic phantoms rather than funny poltergeists. Mimikyu is a great testament to this empathetic narrative, which doubles down with cute aesthetics. i can understand why the consensus is ENTP 4w5; it’s trying to compromise the initial intent of pranks with a somber or deep-seated motivation. personally i think the growth of Ghosts so far is interesting! i can see a lot of comparisons for inferior sensory issues plus tertiary feeling development. i can also see why many Fi users are so drawn to these types. overall, Ghost types are all about scaring others for various reasons! and if there’s one thing a lot of people can agree on it’s that spooky things are cool lmao TL;DR Ghosts in the first gens are portrayed as mischievous, laughing at others misfortune—stereotyped with low Si (undisciplined, chaotic) and/or low Fi (lack of empathetic awareness). Ghosts in the later gens are depicted as obsessive, deeply driven by their own suffering—stereotyped with low Se (unrealistic, dogged) and/or low Fe (lack of sympathetic awareness). ENTP 4w5 is more of a compromise than a clear bigger picture!


A group of Pokémon based on spirits, ghosts, goblins, and all manner of mischievous and creepy creatures from beyond the grave. They can be found in abandoned buildings and burial grounds. Due to their unusual nature, the Ghost type has the second-least representatives out of all types. Ghosts are primarily useful due to the fact that they're immune to 2 types, both of which are particularly common. Their resistances, to Bug and Poison, aren't quite as useful. Combined with other types and abilities, Ghost-types usually find a niche in No Selling other attacks. In previous generations, their resistances can overlap with the weaknesses of the Dark type, thus, Pokémon that were both types had no inherent weaknesses (although with the introduction of the Fairy-type, this is no longer the case). Starting in Gen VI, Ghost-types also cannot be trapped and can be freely switched out at any time (they can also run from any wild Pokémon regardless of speed). In the Trading Card Game, Ghost-type Pokémon are part of the Psychic energy type.
