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Alternative rock type de personnalité MBTI

Alternative rock type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Alternative rock? Alternative rock est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/so - 458 dans Enneagram, RLUEI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

💙 if i were be music genre i would be alternative rock


Rock that is alternative. Weird. Different, somehow. Alternatively, you could define the term as any form of rock that doesn't fit the criteria for "classic" first-wave rock, progressive rock, punk pock, post-punk, hard rock, straight heavy metal (and its variants), or any other form of rock that held a prominent mainstream presence before 1987-1991. The general consensus is that alternative rock evolved from Post-Punk back in the early '80s, with R.E.M.'s 1981 debut single "Radio Free Europe" typically being regarded as the de-facto starting point. However, many would argue that post-punk itself was technically alternative music, with artists like Wire, Talking Heads, The Cure, Joy Division, XTC, and The B-52s generally agreed to be "alternative" in some sense of the term (and if not that, they're typically considered major influences on alternative rock).
