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Lio Fotia type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Lio Fotia? Lio Fotia est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 126 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

While he isn't a very stereotypical one, I'm pretty sure he's an INFJ. His Ni is pretty obvious in how calculated he is, almost never loses his calm and is ready to face almost anything while still remaining collected. It contrasts pretty well with Galo's dominant Se, as he's shown to be questioning him whenever he is about to do something irrational without planning anything first. His Fe is pretty good, he seems to be doing what he's doing from a place of caring for people who can't fight and a wish to protect, not fight. He also states that he doesn't want to kill anybody, at least not without a good reason to do so. In general, all of his reasoning for becoming the boss of the mad burnish sounds pretty Fe to me, it's not because of any internal values, he just cares for people who he feels aren't treated right and also can relate to, and wishes to protect them. Not much to say about Ti, other than it is fairly apparent that he uses it, he's pretty logical and in combination with his Ni makes him a good planner that thinks before acting. As for Se, it was really obvious when he got angry and had that whole outburst after all the other burnish got captured, he lost his calm and just acted on impulse.


Lio Fotia (リオ・フォーティア) is the leader of Mad Burnish and starts off as the false antagonist of Promare. He later acts as the film's deuteragonist. He cooperates with his generals, Gueira and Meis, to ensure things go accordingly. #SaotomeTaichi

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