Ayumu Uehara type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ayumu Uehara? Ayumu Uehara est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 9w1 - sx/sp - 692 dans Enneagram, RLOAN dans Big 5, SEI dans Socionics."

Ok so,I'm here to give my two cents on the Ayumu enneagram debate. Pardon me if I get anything wrong,it's been a while since I last watched the Niji anime. So ok,first of all,I'll just say it- To me,Ayumu is a 9w1. Sure,she does look like a 6w7 sometimes,but I believe she's a 9w1. Allow me to explain. First,let's see the 9 traits Ayumu exhibits,and then I'll get into how 9 can often mistype as 6,specifically Ayumu. Well,the first 9 trait that's most obvious in Ayumu is how much she dislikes conflict and separation. In the SIFAS story,when Lanzhu recruits some of the Niji girls intoher association,you can see how troubled Ayumu is. She felt sad that her fellow members were leaving her,but she still supported their decision. Kasumi confronted them,however Ayumu preferred to just stay out of it. Why? Because her 9 self would rather stay quiet than speak up and potentially cause even more separation. 6s are in the reactive triad,a 6,being afraid of betrayal and abandonment + reactive triad,would've definitely confronted them about it in some way. When Yuu/Player comes back,and goes to the rooftop to chat with the niji girls and Ai and Karin appear,Kasumi tells Ayumu to "speak her mind" and "say something". To which Ayumu replies by stuttering and asking what she sould say. Do you really think that a reactive type like 6 would've just stood there trembling at the sight of "speaking up"? No,I don't think so. Another thing that I think is a big 9 trait is how much Ayumu likes to "merge" with the group and with other people,specially Yuu/Player. She always talks about doing things as a group,moving forward as a group,and specially with Yuu/Player,she always adapts to her agenda,supporting her in everything from the sidelines,and expecting Yuu to do the same for her with her dream of being an idol (Which showcases Ayumu's ennea 9 fear of separation) Another 9 trait Ayumu has is that she always considers things from everyone's perspective,and she always says things like "I understand why she would do that" "I understand why they feel like that". That's peak 9 performance. And lastly,her snapping moment with Yuu in the anime is peak 9>6 arrow. She's stressed because she thinks she's getting separated from Yuu (Ennea 9 core fear of separation and loss),so she gets stresses and starts showing unhealthy 6 traits. She overanalyzes Yuu's interaction with Setsuna,jumping to the conclusion that she cares more about Setsuna than her. This is the clearest example of a 9 disintegrating o 6 I've ever seen. However,in the moments where Ayumu is healthy and less stressed,we can see her 3 arrow a bit,with ger healthy competitiveness that she's got with the others. Now that I've talked about the reasons why I believe Ayumu is a 9,let's explain- why do 9s mistype as 6? Simply put,their core fears are kinda similar,fear of being alone (6),fear of loss of connection (9). So,how can we tell them apart? Easy,the coping mechanisms. 9s cope by detaching themselves whenever there is comflict,attempting to see everyone's point of view,trying to find common grounds. 6s cope by being hyper vigilant,always double checking to make sure everyone's on their side and checking others' agendas. Ayumu only becomes paranoid and hyper vigilant when the Setsuna thing happens,aka when she becomes stressed,aka disintegration. Normal,average,everyday Ayumu just gets by,trying to not stand out,supporting her friends and being kind. So,there you have it folks. I believe Ayumu is a 9w1. However,if you believe she's a 6w7,that's also valid. Enneagram IS after all a pseudoscience,so we shouldn't fight or be too serious over it. Take care everyone!!


An ordinary girl with no exceptional talents, Ayumu is seemingly content with just living a normal high school life. But when she and her childhood friend stumbled upon a school idol performance for the first time, a new path would suddenly appear in Ayumu's world. Despite not being able to sing or dance, Ayumu would nevertheless venture on to become a school idol herself. Ayumu's solo style tends towards a "traditional idol" aesthetic, with generally upbeat, pop music-style tones and lyrics emphasizing her struggles and hard work she puts into being an idol.

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