Siren type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Siren? Siren est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 295 dans Enneagram, RLUAN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

Great example of an ISFP stuck in a Fi-Ni loop learning to embrace his extroverted functions. Being stuck in the castle his whole life-- not allowed to explore or learn to fight-- prevented him from developing his Se in any meaningful way. That plus the constant pressure since childhood to fulfill the prophecy and meet everyone's expectations put Siren into a deep Fi-Ni loop. He's constantly beating himself up for not being able to take decisive action, "She fought, hunted, and protected everyone 'till her last breath. And I've just... sat in my room all this time. I haven't done anything". Instead of doing things in the present he's mentally stuck on the future of his prophecy, fully believing himself to be a "terrible prince" for his failure to live up to that future. I feel like one moment that captures the whole thing well is (SPOILERS for episode 18) Siren's breakdown after Skiff gets injured trying to protect him. "Why can't I do anything?! Why am I such a useless idiot?! Now Skiff has a permanent scar on his face, because he had to protect a weak, good-for-nothing prince! I should have fought back! Or at least gotten out of the way, but I just--I just froze up! And all anyone cares about is how well I am! As if I deserve anything for sitting safely in a castle while they all suffer!". That's peak Te-grip anger right there, sprinkled in with the already present insecurity that a long term Fi-Ni loop can bring. It's only after meeting Kappa that Siren starts to break out of the loop by using his extroverted functions more; brainstorming plans, sneaking around, generally putting *action* behind his beliefs. It's a slow process (see: above paragraph) but all in all you can really see him get better at it as the story goes along.


Caractéristiques et traits communs
