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  3. Life is Strange 2

Karen Reynolds type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Karen Reynolds? Karen Reynolds est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 496 dans Enneagram, RCUAN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

To me it’s clear that she’s an ISFP. Her critical parent (Si) is a big reason that she felt pressured to live life like society expected. Especially in episode 4; “I wanted to find my own way, with no security blanket” “Family, religion, social norms… It’s just all about security after all. But it all just looked like a sweet golden jail to me”. That sounds way more like a critical parent Si than tert Si. She felt trapped by expectations so she cut off everyone which was little much (Se). She finally wanted to focus on her own vision of life (Fi). But in the end she changes and shows it through her actions not only her words. She also owns up to her mistakes and never true to make herself the victim. The conversation with Sean at the motel felt completely honest. The dominant Fi seems pretty obvious too. “But I think people should know who they are, and not fake it for anybody”. It really was about self discovery for her. She’s an Fi dominant no question. I agree that she’s an Fi dominant but if your only reason for that is that she was selfish than you should really get over your stereotypes.


Mother of the wolf brothers, she leaves the family when Sean is 8 years old. She makes her comeback in episode 4.

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