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William “Will” Traynor type de personnalité MBTI

William “Will” Traynor type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est William “Will” Traynor? William “Will” Traynor est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Why all the ESTP votes? Book Will is all about Te. Te everywhere. People assume that because of his crude a**hole humor and his (former) physicality, he must be an Se-dom. He uses Se, but it's not his dominant function. Yes, he was a physical person before his injury. But way of life does NOT automatically imply the corresponding cognitive function by stereotype. And I just see no Ti in him even if it was the case. To me, his Te was the most obvious in the way he spoke (even down to the sentence structure) and formulated his thoughts - factual, objective, inductive, copious amounts of Socratic questioning. I think if he used Ti, the impression would've skewed the opposite way. His decision-making process just oozed Te in my opinion. 8w7 might give the false impression of dominant Se because it adds an element of rawness. But if you've ever hung out with an ENTJ 8w7, they generally have an intense physical side. Also, when they let loose, they can be so crude and abrasive that an ESTP would likely pale in comparison.


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