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  3. Boardwalk Empire

Richard Harrow type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Richard Harrow? Richard Harrow est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - - 694 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

Richard is correctly typed as an ISFJ. One might venture to think that he is an ISFP because it seems to be Fi behind some of his decisions like avenging Angela or rescuing Tommy but ultimately his Fe and Si are more apparent. Not only he's very attached to the past, but Richard also completely relies on his Si to get ahead once he returns from the war. He uses everything he learned during this time to do what he does best: killing. Being severely disfigured he knows that his looks are an obstacle to getting a job, a Fi user would want to go against a society that rejects him because of this and prove them wrong. Richard doesn't bother: he knows something, he's extremely skillful at it and he'll continue to use it in contexts that allow it. Si-Ne axis is obvious and so is Fe Richard is prone to putting himself at the service of others and forming relationships built on mutual trust (Jimmy, Gillian, Julia, Nucky) and he is generally quite self-sacrificing and adapts easily to the needs of others. Ti is there too: after killing Munya, Nucky believes that Richard will go after him next but Richard tells him that he won't since he believes Jimmy died on his own terms and more importantly, as a soldier. Richard accepts Julia's marriage proposal when he realizes it's the best way to keep Tommy away from Gillian and he kills Munya simply after observing him for a couple of days and learning his routine. In general he is very observant. I also agree that he's an sp6: incredibly needy of forming human connections that give him purpose and take him away from the deep hopelessness and abandonment that he usually feels, gentle, soft, kind, polite, wary, selfless and timidly dependent on the value others give him. For once I have no problem at all with the consensus.


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