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Elliott Witt "Mirage" type de personnalité MBTI

Elliott Witt "Mirage" type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Elliott Witt "Mirage"? Elliott Witt "Mirage" est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 7w6 - sx/so - 739 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

Definitely, Ne dom, all of his lines are Ne as hell... Sarcastic, but he's pretty insecure, often wanting reassurance with his teammates every time he cracks up a joke so I kinda see the unhealthy Ne-Fe loop in him, knowing how he is over-sensitive with other peoples opinions about him and probably why he puts up a facade, to mask his sadness. Otherwise, we don't know enough about him to make a proper judgment if he's truly Fi or Ti But I'm really sticking with ENTP for now... An unhealthy one perhaps. Marry me, Elliot Witt.


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