Demisexual type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Demisexual? Demisexual est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 459 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

🕊🕊 Yes, this is me. I feel absolutely appalled when I think about people just having sex just to do it, I also get uncomfortable discussing sexuality or anything among that topic (not just LGBTQ+ but also heterosexuality). I have a pretty hard time dating guys who aren't demisexual or greysexual honestly. Most people come off as sex addicts that don't have anything else to do, especially when they're my age and super immature. Not trying to come off as shaming people who become sexually attracted easily :(, I just get super uncomfortable if that's something they talk about frequently. Of course I get strong sexual feelings too if I really care about someone emotionally! I'm not a very sexual person in general but I'm super romantic, though. Maybe this is linked to me being Sx5 but I romanticize being emotionally connected to one person a lot. Maybe it's weird that I'm super demisexual but not really demiromantic at all.


A person who is demisexual only feels sexually attracted to someone once they've made a strong emotional connection. It's a type of graysexuality, between allosexual and asexual.
