1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. Mid90s (2018)

F*cksh*t type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est F*cksh*t? F*cksh*t est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 784 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

The literal definition of ESTP LMFAO! Se- He lives in the moment! He likes to party and skateboard and he take risks. Ti- He tends to be extremely blunt. He doesn’t filter what he says for others. He often gets into trouble by speaking his mind when he shouldn’t. Fe- Although he may not always show it, he truly does care about his friends. Whenever he gets into the accident and Stevie gets hurt, he is heavily impacted by the event. Ni- he doesn’t think of any consequences because he lives in the moment. The future means little to him and he often seems lost when thinking of things to do later on in life.



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