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Yayoi Takatsuki type de personnalité MBTI

Yayoi Takatsuki type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Yayoi Takatsuki? Yayoi Takatsuki est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sp - 297 dans Enneagram, SCOAN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Yayoi is ESFJ. Yayoi is not ENFJ mostly because her Si is way too notorious. "As an auxiliary function, Si manifests as the preference to rely on the tried-and-true method when working to accomplish a particular goal." This is also why Ritsuko is ESTJ instead of ENTJ, because of their auxiliary Si. Glad we all can agree that Yayoi is Fe dom at least.


An "ALWAYS 200% GENKI!!" 13-year-old from a poor family and the eldest of six children. Making a living for her family was part of the reason she joined 765.

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