C.S. Joseph type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est C.S. Joseph? C.S. Joseph est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 683 dans Enneagram, SLOEI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

I think this page should stop bullying Chase. It seems to me that about 25% of comments here are actual typing explinations and the other 75% are just bullying, roasting, or lashes out in anger at CSJ. Don't you guys think that it's helpful to have a different perspective on unlocking the secret of human psychology? Like, if you don't like his system, that's fine. But there is no need to bully him out of this community. Like, I want a present antagonist in the typing community who will provide an alternative way of thinking up against what is so common others refuse to question it. Conflict can be good people. That goes to say, if you don't like CSJ as a person well you can hold that opinion. But there is no need to keep lashing out on this page about it. Like we get it already. No one here is defending his character. You're just yelling into the wind. This page seems to have turned into a cancerous gossip page about CSJ and I'm not all about that. I want to hear why so many of you think he has mistyped himself. Especially the arguments for him having Si, like I don't understand that at all. In fact, let me give some typing analysis of my own. The whole Discord phenomenon is a good example. Something came up through his discord, a problem, and let us see what he did as a reaction. He immediately shut down the whole system, the whole community, and started from scratch. Ok, that sounds like the absolute LAST thing someone with Te and Si would do. The Te would be the complex Discord community that puts him at the top of it's hierarchy. Notice how he was so quick to get rid of the system all together and build from the ground up all over again (this time for members only.) What Te dom would sacrifice a system they've built for years when one problem emerges? How about none. Te doms and high Te users would rather die on a hill to preserve a system they built. Not just scrap the entire thing. And an Si user? Having high Si means relying on past or already existing information. I can maybe see an ENTJ with Se moving onto a new system but a high Si user? No. Si users are afraid of the unknown and would not just give up everything they have built of either. They don't want new experiences, the want to maintain the same one they already have. CSJ scrapping his Discord shows that he didn't see any meaning behind what he put up outweighing the consequences of dealing with one problem on the server. He chose to let go of his attachment, and start all over again to avoid consequence. That speaks to low Si and higher Ne, seeking a better alternative future. Like I don't get the ESTJ votes here when simply looking at his very own behavior. Created a system = Te dom is not a very good argument. Especially considering how everything he put together has been done already by other psychologists, namely Linda Berens. His temperaments come from Plato then David Kiersy, the quadras come from socionics, and the attitudes of each functions position come from John Beebe. Like you guys know he's not just making stuff up right? Like the things he actually makes up are his super silly intuitive analyses. Like how he typed his infant son INTJ or when some woman had a stroke and he typed her ENFJ or whatever. It's all Ne there. He has almost zero information and is jumping to a conclusion. Doesn't that make him N and not S? Clearly he is too far into the Ne side of the Si-Ne axis. He claims to know things without verifying all the time. Again, how are you guys not seeing Ne dom here? Even ENFP is wrong because of how he very strongly prefers Ti to Fi as his introverted decider. Like Fi blind makes sense, right? Why would you argue against that? His videos clearly show that he is willing to be an ass to everyone in order to get the cold hard truth across (Ti-Fe). Yeah he gives off "con-man" vibes but that's not actual typing. Come on now. Even if you don't agree with his Ti, he is still USING Ti. See how that works? Patrick Star is a high Ti user but the joke is that his Ti is bad and illogical when he thinks it is logical. It might be the same situation for you guys if you don't agree with him. Being emotional and having an attitude doesn't make him Fi either. He clearly prefers Ti to Fi in his ego. Every argument he makes is on Ti information. Not his opinion, it's how he uses his system and the parts within his system. I seriously think we should stick to typing on here. It's not helpful to shout this guy away all of the time. If you think he's such a bad person, then don't sink to his level. Please.


Per his blog: "My life's work is to help people like you so that you find solutions to social challenges and achieve personal growth. I do this by providing most of my content for free via YouTube, podcasts, and my blog, as well as providing the individualized coaching you need to achieve your goals."

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