Shockwave type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Shockwave? Shockwave est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 513 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LII dans Socionics."

“I awoke in the rubble, blinded. … In time, I repaired my wounds, and resumed my experiments.” MBTI: Ni-Te-Fi-Se —> Ni-Se: I know that Shockwave demonstrated a strong aptitude for precise, empirical scientific details that might be evocative of Si, but I feel that Shockwave paid accord to said details to fit within an internalized narrative of a more symbolic purpose of interpretive logic as an ideal, rather than for the purpose of stability, thus Shockwave’s predominant INTERNAL PRESERVATION of ABSTRACT IDEALISM; the Teletraan 1 Wiki on TFP Shockwave, interestingly enough, accounts for his strict adherence to logic - again, a convergent *ideal* - as a weakness of his, describing a possible susceptibility that Shockwave had to being manipulated by logical reasoning despite more realistic consequences, such as Starscream having successfully talked his way out Shockwave unleashing his fury for being abandoned twice— as such, Shockwave’s disconnection from PRACTICAL SENSATION. —> Ni-Te: Shockwave sought to bring actuality to the idealized value of logic by utilizing tangible forms of evidence that would efficiently and objectively forward the longer term agendas for the Decepticons, such being commended by Megatron for having tampered with the natural way of life for the sake of logical efficiency, thus Shockwave’s predominant ABSTRACT IDEALISM having been ACTUALIZED through FACTUAL REASONING; it is a more maladaptive sense of ARBITRARY REASONING that likewise played a role in Shockwave’s weakness of outright dismissing realistic consequences and emotional fallout whenever he was presented with logical arguments to “disarm” him, in a sense, especially exacerbated by the objectivity of Te. —> Ni-Fi: As much as Shockwave expressly denied that he was inherently motivated by any form of subjective feelings or emotions, it truly was a maladaptively weaker sense of PERSONAL SENTIMENT that most likely explained his trite fetishization of idealizing logic in itself; the closest, possible thing that *maybe* resembled a more authentic, balanced sense of PERSONAL SENTIMENT was in Shockwave’s episodes of fury with Starscream with having been abandoned and left to die— but the reasons for such anger are more likely relevant to the Enneagram-related attributes that I’m fairly certain apply to Shockwave himself, rather than his theoretical cognitive functions. Continued in comments…


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