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Tetsuki Takaoka type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Tetsuki Takaoka? Tetsuki Takaoka est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 954 dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

Tetsuki is a very grounded and pacific person, someone who seems to care more about inertia and internal peace than perfection, but one who will not hesitate to act with force when people around him cause too much trouble ("the fury of the peacemaker" as it's called). That's SP 9 in a nutshell. Judging by his motivations alone, Tetsuki is still more Nine than One. It's a subtle detail from his POV chapter, but Tetsuki had this underlying belief that his presence is not really needed by others so it's better to stay in his lane and mind his own business. It's why he didn't push himself to Chika when the latter started isolating himself, but still wondered how things would be if only he was there for him when Chika needed him most. Quoting his line from said chapter, "If only I had been there the first time Chika had fought, maybe we could've run. Maybe we could've feigned defeat. Anything so he didn't have to deal with their attention." If that doesn't scream Nine to you, then idk. If he's a One, he would've been more forceful about it. SP 9's like to stay in their own comfort spaces and tend to be part of a close-knitted community. They also rely on creature comforts and routines as a way of gaining a sense of identity. For Tetsuki, he most likely finds that in reading mangas, studying, hanging out with his close friends, and a few other hobbies like basketball. Since SP 9's are the most "eight-ish" of the 9 subtypes, they also tend to have clearly defined boundaries. Being a Nine doesn't automatically equate to being a doormat. They really just have this "I couldn't care less" attitude most of the time in order to avoid conflict within themselves. SP 9's in particular avoid entertaining people they don't want to be around. Much like how Tetsuki outright rejected the other kids when they invited him to their circle. Tetsuki may be introspective and future-oriented when he needs to be but he lacks the grand ideals that drive Ones. I don't think he's the type to obsess about the idea of making the world a better place (per his standards), much less push that ideal on others, which Ones tend to do. He's a good person so he does contribute to that in his own way. At the end of the day, though, all he wants is to be there for the people who matter to him and maintain a sense of neutrality both within himself and his immediate environment.


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