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Tiphereth B type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Tiphereth B? Tiphereth B est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

I dont understand why INFJ. Id say Tiphereth is quite different from Ni- and Fe- users of this game. LobCorp has a lot of Ni-like symbolism, talks about changing the world, higher purpose, etc. I see his philosophy as coming from Fi. Tiphereth speculates about the purpose of sephirah, what they are made of. He doesnt state that directly, but it ties to understanding what is inside of his own mind. And he seems more grounded and just reacting to his surroundings, sharing ideas (Ne-Si). I dont see him having Ni idealism or hunches, he only "hopes" for something good to happen. His behavior reminds me of 4, 5 and 9 ennegram types so i wonder if he is any of them. Fi and Fe can both be altruistic and people-oriented. But i believe that Tiphereth shares more Fi tendencies, like not having difficulty expressing himself and talking about what he feels, he obviously feels everything deeply. Him shutting down for feeling that he is something more than just a machine is his entire plot arc. He also likes talking with Tiphereth A and The Manager and sharing his opinions without considering what they want to hear. Fe is about understanding others, taking their feelings in consideration and using them as a measurement. If you look at Fe-users of LobCorp (Hod or Chesed for example) you can definitely see them using this function. The only hint that i see is a possibility of a Ni-Ti loop when he thinks too much and shuts down. But i dont want to erase the possibility of INFJ Tiphereth, i just dont see any reasons/arguments for that. I would want to hear some.


Due to the size of the Central Command Team Department, two Sephirah were needed to manage the whole department. Tiphereth B is the optimistic and thoughtful little blonde boy.

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