1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. Mad Max (1979)

The Splendid Angharad type de personnalité MBTI

The Splendid Angharad type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est The Splendid Angharad? The Splendid Angharad est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 296 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

I think her Ni is dominant. Her charisma is more subtle and quite than that of an ENFJ would be. She has a tendency for making vague and symbolic statement and left the cryptic messages for Immorten Joe. She is also very calm and a good strategist (Ti) , but due to being so secluded for the rest of the world for most time often overwhelmed by sensory happenings and can act impulsive under stress. This ultimately is her downfall and leads to her death. (Inferior Se)


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