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  2. Télévision
  3. Red Dwarf

Inquisitor, The type de personnalité MBTI

Inquisitor, The type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Inquisitor, The? Inquisitor, The est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Very hard, rigid and ultra judgemental version of an ISTJ. The Inquisitor exists to pass judgement on people.


The Inquisitor is a fictional character from the British science fiction situation comedy Red Dwarf. He is a time travelling simulant who visits Red Dwarf to assess if they are worthy of their existence. Little is known about The Inquisitor's origins, other than horror tales, urban legends and astro campfire tales. As far as is known, he was a self-repairing rogue Simulant, who had survived until the end of time itself, coming the conclusion there was no God. This then led him to the belief that life is all that there is, and that the point of existence is for each individual to make their life as fulfilling as possible. He creates the Time Gauntlet and then travels through time, visiting each individual in turn. Each is judged, and those he found to be unworthy are erased from the time-space continuum, and their existence replaced by another who never had the chance of life.

Télévision caractères similaires à Inquisitor, The
