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  3. Tuca & Bertie

Roberta “Bertie” Songthrush type de personnalité MBTI

Roberta “Bertie” Songthrush type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Roberta “Bertie” Songthrush? Roberta “Bertie” Songthrush est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 612 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

She is not an Ni dom, her anxiety is very in line with Inf Ne and catastrophic thinking/fear of what ifs, versus Ni anxiety which is more scared of what they 100% anticipate "will happen" and they freak out at sensory curveballs in the present while Bertie seems to manage that well which is why she's such a skilled baker, when she tries to get out of her routine, she realizes she actually likes her routines, but she does open up to ideas and creativity and novelty at times which is the aspirational aspect of her Inf Ne, I think that's also part of why she was attracted to Speckle since he's pretty heavy on the Ne, she doesn't seem to care much for exploring ideas in depth or generating insights like high Ni users do, she cares for people by attending to sensory concrete things


Les dessins animés caractères similaires à Roberta “Bertie” Songthrush
