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Yuzuru Saeki type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Yuzuru Saeki? Yuzuru Saeki est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 215 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

This character is definitely a INFJ, that's certain, but I have a slight feeling he has more behaviours of a unhealthy 1w2 rather than 2w1 2w1 usual core fear is of unacceptance and feeling unwanted. While I can see his desire to have Hoshino join his side I don't think he fits the core 2 enneagram but rather a core 1 wing 2. Enneagram one wing two are known as ''activists'' basically they will often have an ideal that they want to obtain or a sense of justice that is slightly higher than other enneagrams. The whole concept of Adonis, while of course, they were not doing the right thing, was to ''purify'' Shinjuku basically to fight for the people who did wrong to others. Unhealthy type ones will have a tendency to not be morally grey and desire things to be correct and the way they believe is correct. He believes what he was doing was for the sake of the people and that he was a leader for them.


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