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Inanna / Ishtar type de personnalité MBTI

Inanna / Ishtar type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Inanna / Ishtar? Inanna / Ishtar est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

The main goddess of Akkad was Ishtar-Astarte (Inanna), who was called ‘Aštar-annunîtum or "Warlike Ishtar". In one Akkadian hymn, Ishtar is described as transforming men into women. Clay cake molds discovered at Mari are shaped like naked women with large hips clutching their breasts. The Sumerians worshipped Inanna as the goddess of both warfare and sexuality. Unlike other gods, whose roles were static and whose domains were limited, the stories of Inanna describe her as moving from conquest to conquest. She was portrayed as young and impetuous, constantly striving for more power than she had been allotted. Although she was worshipped as the goddess of love, Inanna was not the goddess of marriage, nor was she ever viewed as a mother goddess. A description of her from one of her hymns declares, "When the servants let the flocks loose, and when cattle and sheep are returned to cow-pen and sheepfold, then, my lady, like the nameless poor, you wear only a single garment. The pearls of a prostitute are placed around your neck, and you are likely to snatch a man from the tavern." This aspect of Inanna's personality is emphasized in the later standard Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh in which Gilgamesh points out Ishtar's infamous ill-treatment of her lovers. "Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?" A powerful female who forces gods and men into submission to her.


Inanna, later known as Ishtar, is the most important female deity of ancient Mesopotamia at all periods. She was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. In most myths, she is usually presented as the daughter of Nanna and Ningal, but, in other stories, she is the daughter of Enki or An along with an unknown mother Her most famous myth is the story of her descent into the Underworld, in which she attempts to conquer the Underworld, the domain of her older sister Ereshkigal, but is instead struck dead by the seven judges of the Underworld. She is only revived due to Enki's intervention and her husband Dumuzid is forced to take her place in the Underworld. Alongside her twin brother Utu, Inanna was the enforcer of divine justice. #Ishtar

La religion célébrité similaire à Inanna / Ishtar
