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  3. Historical Figures (1400s)

Henry VI of England type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Henry VI of England? Henry VI of England est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 962 dans Enneagram, RLUAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Can't help but feel kinda bad for him. He was incredibly incompetent as King—and that's putting it nicely—but he was also kind and had good morals. At least not tyrannical, like Henry VIII or Richard III. He just wanted to be faithful of his religion, in the end.


(6 December 1421 - 21 May 1471), Pretty much controlled by everyone around him, including his wife. His regents handled the emergence of Joan of Arc and the concept of France as a unified nation pretty badly, and the previous King of France's son was restored to the throne in 1431. Though saintly in character (indeed, in the early 16th century he was England's foremost folk saint), generally considered weak-willed, and mentally ill in his later years, including several lengthy bouts of mania and catatonia. After the Hundred Years war ended in 1453 with England only holding Calais, the nobles descended from the second and fourth sons of Edward III, who had been given land in and title of York, started the rebellion known as the Wars of the Roses. They seized the throne in 1461. Henry got it back in 1470, but not for long, and according to legend had his skull smashed in while in prison, (his tomb was exhumed in 1910, and they did indeed find his skull smashed in.)

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