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Scarmiglione type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Scarmiglione? Scarmiglione est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I’m going to be on a journey to type all the characters from my favourite final fantasy game accurately. I will be using quotes from the wiki because it’s easier than me getting my DS/PSP and starting a new file. (Spoilers for FF4 and The After Years below). It’s best with the FF4 characters to use The After Years to type them when their characters are older and have matured a bit. I am scraping the wiki, the games, just anything to find any data on this guy. But this is what I found. Brace yourselves. It’s practically nothing. “If Golbez is in the party, Scarmiglione will thank him for accepting him for what he was despite being hideous and unworthy” This may or may not be the only thing we have on him and this is from the after years. I’m going to say Fi > Fe. It seems self image is important to him but he’s also insecure about it as well. We only find this out if Golbez is in the party which means he will only say it because of Golbez. He is very guarded about this and we don’t even know about it until this point. We do see in some cutscenes that he is more than happy to be serving Golbez and has a slight intuition as well about what Cecil’s plan is (to be become a Paladin). He and Golbez (mainly Golbez) also both discuss that in his dark knight form, Cecil cannot attack him at all. Not quoting anything beyond this point but I would like to pay attention to how he hides behind the zombie enemies in the first battle to then getting a back attack on you in the second one. There seems to be some element of surprise involved as well. Also the fact that he doesn’t care when you kill his zombie henchmen as well. It’s just about him and his image for Golbez. Okay so with this incredibly small pool of information and unfortunately based on what I can infer from the dialogue and his battle tactics, my best bet would be ISFP. FiNiSeTe to be precise. I can only see Fi and Ni in him and literally no other cognitive function. As for enneagram, I’ll go 4w3-sx/sp-416. I have no basis for this other than he vaguely fits this more than any other combo (I’m free styling from this point on. I can’t exactly explain how I pinpointed this combo but relate it back to those quotes above and maybe squint a bit. Trust.) Socionics, the safe bet is ESI because the functions match. Big 5 is a little easier, he’s RLUEN and I can’t see anything else that matches him at this point in time. Attitudinal Psyche I’m going with EFLV. From my perspective, it’s 1E, 4F, 4L and definitely 4V (relies on Golbez to make plans). Temperaments may or may not be Melancholic-Choleric. The only combo that fit him. Classic Jungian I’ll vote IF(N) because I THINK he leads with introverted feeling and then he prioritises Ni > Se. I wish I had more on this guy. I don’t even know why he has a profile on here. But if I left the FF4 section unfinished it would’ve bothered me. I couldn’t explain my reasoning but this seemed to make the most sense for me. Probably my worst argument but if anybody else has anything different do let me know.


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