1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. Beetlejuice (1988)

Betelgeuse type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Betelgeuse? Betelgeuse est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 738 dans Enneagram, SCUEI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

"inTuiTIVe BiAs dOEsNt eXisT" yeah right. He's ESTP. I've seen this movie too many times, HOW do 30% of yall see Ne over Se. Those who think he's ENTP com-p-LETELY overlook his motives: 1) cause chaos and panic to the living, and 2) become alive again, to either cause MORE chaos, or just experience the beauty of living again (never specified exact reason, these are my guesses). "Se maintains direct relationship to the world via physical sensations...Se uses stimulating experiences to get enjoyment from the world." Plus, "ESxPs are naturals at spotting opportunities and taking advantage of them." Betelgeuse portrays this several times in the movie! -Time 1: Looking at the newspaper, "The Maitlands, huh? Looks like a cute couple, and stupid too!" Then goes on to try and help them. -Time 2: Talking to Lydia, he knows she is unaware of his goals, so he tries taking advantage of it and tries getting her to say his name 3 times. -Time 3: 2nd Time talking to Lydia, he knows Barbara and Adam are in danger, and attempts to get Lydia to say his name 3 times again, and in addition, marry him .-Time 4: Final scene, he takes another dead character's ticket because he doesn't want to wait.



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