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Yuffie Kisaragi type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Yuffie Kisaragi? Yuffie Kisaragi est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 738 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

I hope that ff7 rebirth will make her type more evident than intermission does, because both arguments for ESFP and ESTP are pretty dang good. I'll go with ESTP first, yes she seems to be outspoken and authentic, but I don't see aux Fi in her or tert Te. She seems to be oblivious about her personal feelings and needs, two key scenes that make it evident is that she blocks out many of her emotions or is even unsure about how to interpret and understand them (heck, in rebirth during her 'date' scene with Cloud she outright says it:" guess we're both not good with the feelings stuff" (e.g. her coping ways of her father being imprisoned and a specific scene at the end of intermission, not mentioning it due to possible spoilers for those who haven't played the remake DLC, but similar to the first one, she is blocking her emotions out again after that specific incident has happened). The materia hunting is more symbolic for Se than a feeling function imo, it's more of a thrill than a real need or value. Arguments for Ti (instead of Te) is that she is perky and bubbly with her logic function (more Ti) and only (seemingly) using Te after Sonon, her partner in intermission, offers her a 'leader' function, which she accepts, but never truly understands how to lead (it's Sonon who leads throughout the game by making her believe that she is in charge, see those parts in the game for yourself, it's hilarious). Evident (or seemingly evident) arguments for Fe is that she is very eager to share her joy with others and is more inclined to see their reactions than anything else, meaning that it's less about her sharing the things she cares about and more about observing people's takes on it (the da-chao beans scenes, her wanting everyone to experience the happy turtle etc.) and later in the game, her consoling Sonon in an empathetic way after he couldn't get the chance to immediately take revenge.


A young ninja / materia hunter / elite special forces operative from Wutai.

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