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Irene (Red Velvet) type de personnalité MBTI

Irene (Red Velvet) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Irene (Red Velvet)? Irene (Red Velvet) est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 162 dans Enneagram, RCOEN dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

for any INTJ voter that may say sumn like but "irene breaks rules sometimes!!" because i've seen this before: ISTJs don't follow rules blindly. They follow their own rules, and rules by others that make sense...if they think certain rules are inefficient, problematic or go against their morals they obviously aren't going to follow it, they still have fi yknow.. so that stereotype is very dumb and shallow and is the reason a lot of ISTJ's get mistyped, simply because they doNT FollOW EvErY RulE, they are humans yknow not programmed robots


Bae Joo-hyun (Korean: 배주현; born March 29, 1991), known professionally as Irene, is a South Korean singer, rapper and actress. She is the leader of the South Korean girl group Red Velvet and a member of its sub-unit Red Velvet - Irene & Seulgi.

Kpop célébrité similaire à Irene (Red Velvet)
