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Tennessee Williams type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Tennessee Williams? Tennessee Williams est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/so - 458 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Just read his interview on himself at the back of Streetcar, it yells Fi-dom.


Thomas Lanier “Tennessee” Williams III (March 26, 1911 – February 25, 1983) was an American playwright. Along with Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller, he is considered among the three foremost playwrights of 20th-century American drama. After years of obscurity, he became suddenly famous with The Glass Menagerie (1944), a play that closely reflected his own unhappy family background.

Les arts célébrité similaire à Tennessee Williams
