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Locke Cole type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Locke Cole? Locke Cole est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, IEE dans Socionics."

I can literally see every function in play for Locke. He's in a Ne-Fe loop but he knows when to use his Ti. His Inferior Si is shown with his experience with Rachel. He vowed that it was his duty to protect women (Ne-Fe).


An adventurer and spy for the Returners, Locke is a thief that insists on being called a "treasure hunter". Years ago his lover Rachel was injured in an accident and lost her memory, and Locke left her to let her start a new life without him, blaming himself for her condition since she endangered herself pushing him to safety. When the Empire attacked the town and Rachel was killed, Locke again blamed himself for abandoning her. He has spent the time since searching for a "legendary treasure" that is rumored to revive the dead, to restore Rachel to life and correct his greatest mistake. However, during the course of the game he begins to develop new feelings for Celes.

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