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Cagalli Yula Atha type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Cagalli Yula Atha? Cagalli Yula Atha est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 6w7 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

Opposite of her father's INTJ, whether that be her "nature" father, Ulen*, or her "nurture" father, Uzumi. Se: She's initially very rebellious, and impulsive, going to far as to head to Heliopolis over the rumors regarding the X-Numbers. In addition, she's also very good with the Skygrasper and gathered a large crowd around her during the Archangel's trip to Alaska, demonstrating an Se similar to Mwu's. Also lets not forget how she knocked Kira to the ground after finding out he was alive again. Fi: Her devotion towards ORB's frankly outdated 'ideals'; however they are more well-defined in Cagalli than they are in Uzumi. It is a source of strength, and guilt for Cagalli, as Shinn's criticism of her was one of the driving factors behind why she accepted Yuna's marriage proposal without too much of a fight. Te: We saw this during the Desert Dawn arc and then it mostly went away due to mismanagement issues on the part of the director and writer that I won't get into. In any case I assume during the two year gap between GS and GSD, when she had to rebuild major parts of ORB's infrastructure, the development of this function would've been accelerated. Ni: "The hardest battle is to keep living". We don't see this very often, but its there and healthy. *Ulen doesn't have enough screen time to warrant a profile but if you watch GS45 its made clear he's an xNTJ with how he speaks of societal progress through systems (Te) and is utterly fixated on a futuristic objective (Ni).


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