1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Télévision
  3. Sex and the City (1998)

Samantha Jones type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Samantha Jones? Samantha Jones est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 738 dans Enneagram, SCUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

"I'm a trys*xual, I will try anything once", and almost every single quote of her relates her Se function. Now why ESTP > ESFP ? She's a very supportive friend, knowing how one must approach another in a group and connecting with people, rather than exposing her personal values or emotions. I specially think about the iconic scene when Samantha is sl*t shamed by Charlotte after an encounter at her office. Samantha focuses her decision-making on the external world. She's affluent in her business, and keeps her emotional problems for herself : Fe over Fi. It's more about thinking a way out as a s*xy women (Ti) rather than being efficient at all matters.Things have to make SENSE to her, whether it's about male/female status in society or the way she works in a small group. Also, she really gets into my skin. GORGEOUS Samantha !


Samantha Jones, portrayed by Kim Cattrall, is one of the 4 main characters of 'Sex and the City' (1998). She owns a public relations firm and is confident, strong, and the most outspoken of the four women.

Télévision caractères similaires à Samantha Jones
