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Nanako Dojima type de personnalité MBTI

Nanako Dojima type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Nanako Dojima? Nanako Dojima est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 926 dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I am going to move myself from the fact she is a child and type her based on how she behaves in the game Si dom - Very dutiful, honest orientated on preservation of the current moment. If she knows she has to do something she will do so without hesitation or second thought. Fe - very sensitive to social harmony around her. Reacts very well to praise, feels the mood of the room and tried to cheer everyone up and make them feel at ease and accepted. She is oriented at the dialogue with the social world around her. Ti - shows a lot of curiosity for various topics, ofter pondering about them and understanding them through her own lense. Ponders about life and death, tries to analyze why dad neglects her. Serves as a support for first two functions and is aimed at maintaining peace, social harmony and as a tool used for approval. NE inf - has trouble relating to abstract concepts without being provided a direct example, despite that she is still somewhat interested in them and strives to understand everything around her and systemize it into a system of direct and materialistic analogues. Don't see Ni in Nanako at all.


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