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The Arbiter (Thel 'Vadam) type de personnalité MBTI

The Arbiter (Thel 'Vadam) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est The Arbiter (Thel 'Vadam)? The Arbiter (Thel 'Vadam) est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 164 dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

"It is a poor soldier who insists on seeing things not as they are, but as he wants them to be. One day reality hits, and his illusions fail him, and he dies stupidly. What honor is there in that?" –Thel 'Vadamee in the novel Halo: The Cole Protocol (2008). I think that dialogue is enlightening enough to determine his MBTI typology… However, I just can't figure out where you get his enneatype to be 1w2; I mean, he is not exactly the self-righteous or moralist kind, nor someone who stands out for being so helpful or generous even with his own. Rather he has a lot of the 6w5 enneatype, being someone more oriented to loyalty than servility (which is why he didn't hesitate to rebel against the Covenant when they betrayed the Sangheili), as well as rationality and practicality (which is the cause of all his doubts towards the Prophets and the Great Journey throughout the Halo 2 campaign, and why he does allow himself to use human weapons unlike his other companions).


Arbiter Thel 'Vadam (formerly 'Vadamee) is the Sangheili kaidon of the House of 'Vadam and the last Arbiter to serve the Covenant. He continues to hold this title in the wake of its dissolution. Presently, he leads the Swords of Sanghelios, an alliance of keeps modeled after an ancient order of the same name, and is considered by many to be the formal leader of all Sangheili as the Kaidon of Unity. Thel, like most Sangheili, held an obsession with honor and tradition for most of his adult life. However, he was more flexible than his peers when it came to the tactics that he used, and in particular showed a keen interest in human weapons even before the Great Schism. His worldview changed greatly during the Great Schism. While once zealous and unquestioningly obedient to the Prophets' will, after learning of the true nature of the Halo rings, he became more open-minded and accepting of the humans, his former enemies. His experiences as Arbiter also made him more pragmatic.

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