Blue Oak type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Blue Oak? Blue Oak est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 387 dans Enneagram, SCOEI dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

I think he's an ENTJ. He just uses so much Te, I don't see any sign of subjective reasoning. Blue uses Se too, but his Te is just so overwhelming. High value for efficiency, use of objective, empirical criteria. His logical focus lies heavily on the object, rather than the subject. I don't see the personal frameworks characteristic of Ti. Also, he doesn't really seem to have Fe. Also he seems to have high subjective perception with his whole talk about how the different appearances of pokemon "make him feel". Could be Si, but then again, Se > Ne, so it would be safer to assume it's Ni. Also Ni future planning and idealizations.


Blue Oak (オーキド・グリーン; Ookido Guriin; Green Ookido), more commonly known as Blue, is the player's rival in the Generation I games, Pokémon Red and Blue Version. Blue is unique as a Gym Leader, because he has no set type for his Gym, and instead uses a variety of Pokémon. He gives the Earth Badge to Trainers who are able to defeat him. Blue's appearance in the original games changes twice from the original appearance, throughout the game. In Yellow, his appearance is more similar to Gary's appearance from the anime series.

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