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Katherine McBride type de personnalité MBTI

Katherine McBride type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Katherine McBride? Katherine McBride est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 163 dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

Ain't no way Katherine's 1L. She's not concerned with seeking knowledge or forming theories. Since she's the one who often gets on Vincent's case about keeping things clean and neat and paying attention to the present moment, I'm going to say 2F. She's too ambitious and confrontational to not be 1V. I'm also going to go with 3E over 4E. She seems to have trouble empathizing with Vincent at times and can get a little too irritable with him to be 4E. Also, I'm going to guess she's slightly more egocentric over accommodating. Trust: Medium (She at first trusted Vincent, but became skeptical of him later) Straightforwardness: Medium (Lied about pregnancy) Altruism: Medium-Low (She cares about Vincent, but doesn't concern herself with helping other people) Cooperation: Low (Fairly confrontational with Vincent and often pressures him into staying in their relationship.) Modesty: Medium-High Sympathy: Medium-Low (I don't see her showing sympathy/empathy for others a lot in the game. Maybe a few times with Vincent? She also mentions doing killing in her dreams with a cold smile.)


Vincent's girlfriend. They met at a high school reunion and struck up a relationship. She's said to be a career woman, but she also wants to get married. The pressure over whether or not to do so is partially what sets Vincent's story into motion.

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